Wealth begins with a wealth mindset


Who is CMMMSG?

I have been down the rabbit hole and escaped through to get to the other side.

For a brief summary, I am a wife, mother, educator, freelancer and visual creative. I have invested a lot of time, effort, and money into the digital space. My efforts have gone into creating and editing videos, creating and managing social media, creating digital products even investing in cryptocurrencies, and upskilling myself in the digital space to achieve financial freedom.

The creator of the Caribbean money-making mindset guide will offer an innovative and easy-to-use website that will help their readers to access free courses and also affordable premium paid alternatives to build their digital skills.  These alternatives would be packaged in ‘high-in-demand’ courses and eBooks which will help our readers gain valuable knowledge and insight into the world of e-commerce and digital entrepreneurship.

We do not

We do not encourage frivolous or faux investments options.

We will help you acquire knowledge and skill that can be leveraged online to create an income.

We do not promote multi-level marketing companies or Ponzi schemes (pyramid) schemes. We do promote networking that elevates and educates our core community.


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